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Uni, Reviews, and Art, oh my

Hey there, it’s been a while.

I’ve been spending most of the last few months grinding away at my thesis - though I feel I’m going too slow. I’ve been trying to treat uni like a job (read: not working on it at home), but that’s not working :( I need to step up my game if I’m to be done by October. I honestly think the hardest part of postgrad is working with a lack of proper schedule… I’m interested in the work! It’s just hard to build momentum. Especially as the days are getting shorter now.

On the other hand, I’ve managed to get some art done - you should check out the galleries if you haven’t recently!
pixel art of a teacup

There’s also a couple new reviews up - I haven’t been able to read as much lately one of em was a bit of a doorstopper, but I had a lot of fun with it!

In terms of other things…
I have a couple of projects I’d like to work on. I don’t really have the time, so I’ll talk about them now (and hopefully they’ll show up one day).
1.) It’d be nice to have something as a proper replacement to districts. Obviously a lot of people have tried this, and I’d just be adding to the pile, but hear me out for a second here.

I think something similar with the addition of a search function would be nice - something a little bit more curated than the neocities search function (though not just limited to neocities sites!), where people can add tags to their sites rather than being limited to one “district”. I’ve rambled a bit more about it over here.

2.) I want to make an interactive site featuring my OCs. Maybe something interactive with react? I’d have to do a lot of planning for this, but it’d be cool to do it eventually.

Maybe I’ll get these done one day… maybe they’ll never see the light of day! Only time will tell.