
Priory of the Orange Tree
I was a little daunted by the length of this - around 800 pages - but it never felt a chore to get through, and I was never lost on what was going on.
The book takes place as ancient dragons are waking, signalling the end to an era of peace. Eadaz is responsible for guarding Queen Sabran from the shadows, as she is possibly the key to keeping the Nameless One, the great dragon of legend, from emerging from the sea and starting an apocalypse.
The Priory of the Orange tree follows 3 main characters (with additional viewpoints occasionally). Unsuprisingly, I found Eadaz the most interesting. Romance isn’t generally my thing but I found it was well integrated in the story, and both of the characters were interesting in their own rights. In some cases, I think plot threads were dropped or glossed over for the sake of moving the story along, but on the whole that didn’t bring the story down too much.